Fooled by...

Have you fooled by someone or even something? let me tell about my story here.

Today, three women showed on my house and introduced that they are persons who has task to explain people about the aedes, a mosquito one. They act politely, I have no idea to thinking that they are a salesperson until they ask to enter the house and we are having a little chat about that. Suddenly they offering, truth is not offer but ask me by demo with the topic and the drug which they sell. Such a dumb I don't even tried to set myself free until they success sell for me and they ask many things especially about my activity and then couple seconds after that I aware that I fooled by them.

Huh, that thing are happen to me all the time, couple weeks ago a man comes to my house and yelling, o yeah, I forgot, the women yelling either, maybe it's their way to make some noise so that the hood will be showed. The man introduced that he's from a moslem school. Freak!

Yeah, many things other two things I told you, like on 2005, my friend offers me to join her clubs and I obey. I gave her 1.3 million and I have nothing but sorry.

Maybe i'm the one who fooled by someone or something was, but this time forward I have to more selective about everything that comes or shows in front of me.

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Oh, I really miss you...

Today, i'm off college, feeling great and having plan for sleep all over the day.

I really miss you...
I miss become lie down on my bed
I miss how nobody has pushing on me
I miss you I really do

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So lame

One thing that actually I knew, but I try to fade out which sometimes slipping on my mind, yes, there it is, it has come again, come to my body that today I don't even remember that thing and it's very irritating after all. So, what is it? Truth is, it's so heartbreak to be found out, but here I come. Ah, you're so lame, too many words that I don't know and made me more confused. Today, finally comes out the reason of when myfriend celebrate his birthday and their pretend made such never happened, it hurts really, after I got positive about them, then suddenly those slipper by their mouth in front of me, that's why they act like a fool when I ask those thing.
Ah, forget it, for what reason I am thinking about that, that's useless.

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My little sister

Do you have sisters? I have, 6 of all, and 1 the youngest. Any interesting issue of her? yeah, she's the magnet now in my family. Every little thing about her are always made everyone fuzzing, including me.
Actually, she's on college now, but, I don't even know on what grade she is, too complicated, first, she was entered an accounting academic, then after spent 3 years there, she just left, moved to a bussines school to get degree, but i'm not sure she will get it soon because she's the laziest person at home.
She's getting punish by mom, she's getting class on the weekend, so on weekdays, she must be at home as soon as she can. No more window shopping or spend time at her boarding house in jogjakarta.

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Humming Around

Have you found people who used to be humming around all the time? well, maybe not all the time, just like they have feel terrific; or other. I have. My boss, he sometimes humming around, sing the song whom I don't know what the title is. Sometimes, he actually sing, not just humming around, and that's better than that.

I don't know what the caused are, for example; when he has many work to do, couple books on his desk, then he tried to finish the job, he must be humming around, I assure that. Like now, he has thousand paper on his desk, he must finish the paper immediately, because the team who order that will come on next monday.

Can I ask you something?

He's the boss, but why he finish the paper, what about you? what are you doing?
Me? of course i'm working now, do something more important like searching papers for presentation on college; and chatting via YM. Oh God! please, do not let him knows about it.

Okay, I will continue finish my job now.

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Today, I am not okay, then I try to remembered what I've done this morning 'til now. Humm, nothing weird. Woke up by 6 a.m.; running to the office by 7 a.m.; got breakfast at 7.30 a.m. seem okay right?

Got and forwarded a few articles for my dear friend; made a cup of earl-grey, my favourite tea; but, why still feel the same?

Hard, try to find "what is all about?"

Yeah, got it. It is all about the money, I've got not enough money for this month, poor me, got a bastard-accident last month; has an amazing-damn-bill this month, plus repair for the motorcycle; found the true of my friend that some of 'em are truly bastard; got some lecturer are worse and unexpected, seem they dealing something for me in the same time.

But, now, in this time, exhaling thousand worries inside then try-harder to face anything who come up today.

I am ready!

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Akhirnya bikin blog baru.......

Pengalaman bikin blog disini memang tidak ada, hanya numpang nama saja, tanpa isi apapun. Memang dunia intranet kantorku lebih menjanjikan untuk melepaskan hasrat menulis dan unge-uneg tetapi akhir-akhir ini sepertinya kehilangan makna, keterbatasan pengguna dari kantor lain oleh kantor pusat membuatku jengah, dan akhirnya memilih mundur dari dunia blog di sana.

Ya, Joko Santoso kembali akan berusaha menulis apa yang ada di pikiran.

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